Wireless Advance Training Center

The emergence of wireless technology is already evident in many ways.

So as to profit from these changes and the potential for even greater educational opportunities, education leaders and state
policy-makers should understand these trends and prepare to include and benefit
from them.

Learning activities are more flexible
Of more significance, however, is that the potential of using the unique advantages of
advanced wireless technology to try to to things very differently and to try to to various things to improve and expand educational activities. A phrase that’s often wont to capture this vision is “anytime, anywhere learning.” With reliable, high-capacity, secure wireless connectivity to online educational resources and services, many sorts of learning activities are often supported whenever and wherever they’re needed. Scientific data can be collected, stored and transmitted to the acceptable researcher from remote locations. Instructors can use wireless devices to question students, and students can send their responses back to the teacher — thus engaging all students and providing an instant check of student learning or miscues. Many time and site constraints of traditional educational structures are often overcome.