Wireless Network Design

Designing a wireless network requires a careful examination of a spread of design factors. This lesson will offer you insight into these design considerations.

Wireless Networks
A wireless network is unbounded and doesn’t suffer from the overhead of wiring. Wireless networks are robust and versatile and lack the necessity for cover and physical path routing. it’s normal behavior for designers to ”copy-paste” the planning of the prevailing wired networks when designing wireless networks, but this approach needs a touch revision as wireless networks require installation talents and fewer equipment than the wired networks. the subsequent are the wireless network design considerations:

  • Site survey
  • Point-to-point bridging
  • WLAN roaming
  • Use of wireless networks


Site Survey
The site survey is that the initial stage of the wireless design phase because it is extremely important to survey the location before a wireless network installation. the location survey objectives vary counting on the type of business trying to find a wireless installation. the main objective of the location survey is to spot the optimal sites for wireless network to scale back channel interference and maximizing ranges. the location survey also determines the dimensions of the wireless network to be configured.

Point-to-point Bridging
When there are two wireless local area networks (WLANs) that are located at a minimum distance apart and are within the line of sight, it’s always advisable to configure wireless bridges; running a network cable between the 2 buildings isn’t an honest idea. Two Wireless Access Points (WAPs) are needed for creating one two-port bridge. WAPs are configured nodes or hardware devices configured on the local area network which permit wired networks and wireless devices to attach through some wireless standard like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. The configured wireless access points operate during a dedicated bridge mode-point-to-point, and not appear to be a wireless access point mode for clients.

Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) Roaming
The cost of installation of a wireless local area network (WLAN) is cheaper than wired networks. The throughput is decided during a wireless local area network by the proximity of the WAPs. Overlapping WAPs are installed by network managers to extend throughput, thereby decreasing the value . the main requirement is that the overlapping WAP signals should be placed inside non-overlapping channels. These scenarios need WLAN roaming. The WLAN roaming plan considers that when the network users move faraway from one particular WAP and lose signal strength, their connections must seamlessly move to a stronger-signal WAP.

Use of Wireless Networks
In order to spot the amount of wireless access points that are needed to configure a wireless network, it’s necessary to seek out the intended use of that network. for instance , if you’re establishing a wireless network for an off-the-cuff application sort of a cybercafe, WiFi is required for social media, internet browsing, checking mails, etc. a way more configuration with multiple wireless access points is required within the case of larger establishments that run high-end applications including graphics design, database programs and electronic imaging.